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More About

Bob Cherry, Senior Pastor of Northeast Christian Church, challenged 100 members with what he called a Kingdom Assignment. The Kingdom Assignment in short: Take $100.00 and change the world. When Sheila Day received her challenge she ultimately felt that God was laying single mothers on her heart. Her first step was to send out 50 letters asking friends and family to match her $100.00. She wound up receiving $15,000 back. With that she rented her first space which would become Mom’s Closet Resource Center (MCRC).


Since its humble beginnings in 2003 MCRC has changed and grown into a multi-faceted program. We are dedicated to helping single mothers break the cycle of poverty in their own families by encouraging them to engage in higher education. We at SPARC believe the only way to become independent is to strive for excellence through education.

When doing our strategic planning for 2019, we decided it was time to Re-Brand. In doing our research, we determined the need was still great in our community to assist single moms, but realized that the need to assist single dads was on the rise. We also wanted to shed the thought that our organization was a clothes closet. So, with lots of help, we finally landed on SPARC Hope, Single Parent Resource Center. We revealed our new name at our Breakfast of Champions on 7/23/19. Dawne Gee was our guest speaker, and WAVE 3 captured our reveal! Excited to see what our future holds!

All rights reserved, BNI Givers Gain Scramble FORE Good, 2024

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